Writing What I Want

There are so many articles about writing already…

Lauren Tashiro
2 min readJul 29, 2020

There is something I noticed about the Medium. It is full of articles about writing. All of these authors seem to know something that I don’t and honestly, it make my self-confidence go down a few notches.

While a lot of these articles are helpful, I can’t help but look at them through the lens of someone who struggles with depression and self-discipline. I know that these articles are meant to help people like me who struggle this way. I want to succeed like them. I want to create like them.

But therein lies the catch; I have to create my own success.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

While some may be able to recreate their success, I often feel like that may feel empty in the long run. I want to create my own success, writing about what I want.

So to all of you out there who are envious of the successful writers on this platform: Write about what you want.

Because I will write about what I want as well. Whether that is just personal essays and ramblings, or going in depth about the things I feel. There are so many facets of me that I want to explore through writing.

Humans are not one sided. Humans are not morally black or white. Humans have many facets, and a lot of them are morally grey. I think that we need to recognize this bias in ourselves.

Write what you want. Explore every facet of yourself. Who cares if it’s good. Gain experience and create your own success.



Lauren Tashiro

A Technical Writer trying to become an Author | Writing Without Thinking Too Hard