Long Distance Relationships and the Current Pandemic

My husband and I got married on March 13, 2020 — just before the borders closed.

Lauren Tashiro
2 min readJan 8, 2021

My husband and I have been together for 5 and a half years now and just got married 8 months ago. It was a small wedding, with about 25 people, including us. It was beautiful and tiring at the same time. We splurged on the food, which honestly was the best decision I’ve ever made in my life.

I met my husband through my best friend while playing League of Legends. I knew him as Ifritz at the time. Over time, we grew close and started dating.

But the only problem was that he was in the US and I was in Canada.

This wasn’t my first time in a long distance relationship. It was the fifth or sixth. Being a millennial, the Internet was a huge part of my life since I was young. I made friends with people from all different countries, from all different cultures.

I soon learned that Ifritz wanted to be called by his actual name, Tyler.

The distance felt like a lot at first, but soon it became normal. It was only a 6 hour drive, or an hour flight; a lot shorter than some other long distance relationships. So driving across the border to see the other was nothing new to us for the time we’d been together.

I somehow convinced him that getting married would benefit us in the long run when one of us had to immigrate. We thought that if I moved to the US it would be eased, but settled on Tyler moving to Canada so that we could have a better life in the long run.

We scheduled the wedding for March 13. A Friday the 13th and a month before my birthday.

As news hit and cases grew, everyone got increasingly worried about the wedding.


Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

We managed to get married!

And the Monday after our wedding, the borders were shut down. I was told that there wasn’t any work for me. Tyler still had to work, as he is employed at a factory. I spent the summer lazing about and staying home, something unusual for me.

What’s usual would be working a lot and taking a weekend here or there to drive and visit Tyler, or he would come to Canada to visit me.

It was harder than anything we encountered before in our relationship. We both always clearly communicated our feelings and other things to each other.

Being unable to run away to visit Tyler during the summer was had me beyond upset.

The borders are still closed, but we did manage to spend some time together during this hard time.



Lauren Tashiro

A Technical Writer trying to become an Author | Writing Without Thinking Too Hard